Photography and Videography Wedding Packages


At Soda Media Photography and Videography, our dedication to serving you extends well beyond merely recording your important event.

We pride ourselves on creating intricately designed masterpieces that will become cherished memories for a lifetime. To ensure the utmost quality, we engage in heartfelt conversations with your closest family and friends throughout the event, documenting heartfelt expressions that bring an added layer of sentiment to your wedding film.

Relive the love, happiness, and memorable moments of your special day with a newfound appreciation for the love and warmth shared by your dear ones. Trust us to preserve your special moments in a genuine manner that truly captures the essence of your exceptional occasion.

With our photography and videography packages we can help you capture the unique moments on the day through our photos and then we can also help turn that into a magical film you’ll want to watch over and over again!

Feel free to check out for a full day our LUXE Package HERE VIP experience

Timings for Projessional Photography and Vidoegraphy:

At Soda Media Photography and Videography, our dedication to serving you extends well beyond merely recording your important event.

We pride ourselves on creating intricately designed masterpieces that will become cherished memories for a lifetime. To ensure the utmost quality, we engage in heartfelt conversations with your closest family and friends throughout the event, documenting heartfelt expressions that bring an added layer of sentiment to your wedding film.

Relive the love, happiness, and memorable moments of your special day with a newfound appreciation for the love and warmth shared by your dear ones. Trust us to preserve your special moments in a genuine manner that truly captures the essence of your exceptional occasion.

With our photography and videography packages we can help you capture the unique moments on the day through our photos and then we can also help turn that into a magical film you’ll want to watch over and over again!

Feel free to check out for a full day our LUXE Package HERE VIP experience

At Soda Media Photography and Videography, our dedication to serving you extends well beyond merely recording your important event.

We pride ourselves on creating intricately designed masterpieces that will become cherished memories for a lifetime. To ensure the utmost quality, we engage in heartfelt conversations with your closest family and friends throughout the event, documenting heartfelt expressions that bring an added layer of sentiment to your wedding film.

Relive the love, happiness, and memorable moments of your special day with a newfound appreciation for the love and warmth shared by your dear ones. Trust us to preserve your special moments in a genuine manner that truly captures the essence of your exceptional occasion.

With our photography and videography packages we can help you capture the unique moments on the day through our photos and then we can also help turn that into a magical film you’ll want to watch over and over again!

Feel free to check out for a full day our LUXE Package HERE VIP experience